Critical global concerns

I would love to study about what wars are happening in the world because I feel like they are a very interesting topic to study. I think this because wars happen all over the world, always fought over different resources or territory. I feel like it is always interesting topic because wars can make up history and always have a drastic out come. Wars can deplete resources and sometimes the aftermath of a war can me very, very drastic. Wars can tear families apart, they can also bring tons of suffering on a family if they lose a loved one or multiple loved ones. Wars and destroy civilizations. 


I would like to study why so many countries in the world don’t have enough food. That might have to do with a ton of countries not having enough water to support local crops and produce. Without local crops and produce people can’t get food right away, that means a ton of families can be undernourished or even starve to death. Other families might have a local market nearby so they can get some food, but they might not have enough money to buy the food that they need to survive. Sometimes there can be famines that affect how much food grows that year/years. 

 I would like to study the lack of shelters/homes in countries around the world. (Including our own.) I feel like this is a topic that everybody should know about because there is a lot of homelessness in our world right now. Lack of protection from the harsh weather can cause people to die. Put yourself in their shoes, how would you like it if you were outside while it was 20 degrees(Fahrenheit) with no home to protect you from the cold. People all around the world have lost their homes to many different reasons, like a fire, debt, (by that I mean the bank or someone who is in power.) floods, infestations, and natural disasters. 

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